Color-Logic Donates Process Metallic Software to Dunwoody College of Technology
08/04/19 10:00
West Chester, Ohio, USA; April 2019—The Graphic Design Department at Dunwoody College of Technology in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is the latest graphic design school to receive a copy of the Color-Logic Process Metallic Color System software. Discussing the donation, Color-Logic Director of Sales and Marketing Mark Geeves said: "Dunwoody is widely known for turning out students schooled in practical graphic arts, and most graduates move directly into printing and packaging firms, as well as production art and design roles at creative studios and in-house roles. This focus made Dunwoody an obvious choice to receive a copy of our software. We were particularly impressed with the fact that every Dunwoody graphic design student receives a laptop already loaded with the very software they will need upon graduation, so the learning curve in industry is brief. Students at Dunwoody are already using Color-Logic--both in the classroom and in projects designed to show prospective employers the depth of their skill."
Color-Logic™ develops color communication systems and software tool sets for a variety of special effect printing applications. Color-Logic provides brand owners, product managers, corporations, and their advertising agencies the ability to differentiate themselves and their clients with a simple print production process that yields dramatic results. Color-Logic decorative effects utilize the existing workflows of printers and designers, yielding dynamic results without the use of special equipment. Color-Logic supports the value of print and works with designers and printers to enhance their printed media. For more information, call +1-513-258-0047.
Color-Logic™ develops color communication systems and software tool sets for a variety of special effect printing applications. Color-Logic provides brand owners, product managers, corporations, and their advertising agencies the ability to differentiate themselves and their clients with a simple print production process that yields dramatic results. Color-Logic decorative effects utilize the existing workflows of printers and designers, yielding dynamic results without the use of special equipment. Color-Logic supports the value of print and works with designers and printers to enhance their printed media. For more information, call +1-513-258-0047.
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