Color-Logic Certifies Mark Andy Digital Series iQ Label Press

West Chester, Ohio, USA; January 2022— Color-Logic has announced certification of the Mark Andy Digital Series iQ Label Press. Discussing the certification, Mark Geeves, Color-Logic Director of Sales and Marketing, said: "With the Mark Andy Digital Series iQ Label Press, digital printing is now available to mainstream label producers in a familiar equipment configuration with inline processing. Color-Logic is pleased to certify the new Mark Andy press and to partner with one of the leading label equipment suppliers, ensuring that label converters can enjoy the ease and predictability of digital metallic embellishment printing and digital metallic variable data printing."

Continuing his discussion, Geeves said: "With Color-Logic software and the Mark Andy Digital Series iQ press, label producers can provide their customers with digitally printed labels on metallic substrate without the time-consuming task of producing white ink masks manually. Even the most complex metallic images--those requiring white ink masks that might take hours or even days to prepare--are produced with just a few mouse clicks. Color-Logic also enables designers to economically add elements into a design that are very difficult to replicate but can be seen by consumers on the shelf."

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