Color-Logic and AxiDoc Shine at C!Print in Lyon

West Chester, Ohio, USA; February 2019—The Xerox stand at the C!Print show in Lyon, France, was an outstanding venue for Color-Logic and Color-Logic dealer AxiDoc. Discussing the show, Color-Logic Director of Sales and Marketing Mark Geeves said: "Until the 2019 C!Print show, Color-Logic had never been demonstrated at a French exposition, and feedback from visitors to the Xerox stand was amazing. The Color-Logic dealer in France, AxiDoc, was busy the entire show distributing printed samples produced on the Xerox Iridesse press using silver and white dry toners."

"Color-Logic takes the mystery out of working with metallics." states Christophe Khayat, AxiDoc Directeur Commercial - Impression de Production. "Our specialist Valerie Belain was busy the entire show educating customers and demonstrating how accurately and quickly designers and prepress personnel can take full advantage of the Xerox Iridesse platform offered by AxiDoc. Samples from the Irridesse speak for themselves, but actually showing clients how the Color-Logic special effects were produced really made the Xerox stand a 'must-see destination' for show attendees."

develops color communication systems and software tool sets for a variety of special effect printing applications. Color-Logic provides brand owners, product managers, corporations, and their advertising agencies the ability to differentiate themselves and their clients with a simple print production process that yields dramatic results. Color-Logic decorative effects utilize the existing workflows of printers and designers, yielding dynamic results without the use of special equipment. Color-Logic supports the value of print and works with designers and printers to enhance their printed media. For more information, call +1-513-258-0047.

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