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Color Communication
Printers are granted a license to print and manufacture Color-Logic swatch books off their own press. This provides a 100% color accurate metallic system for your clients

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Design Suite™
Create beautiful metallic embellishments in seconds using automated metallic color palettes and plugins for Adobe® CS/CC and never make a white ink mask again!

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See Color-Logic formatted designs on-screen in metallic, using a virtual proofing system and set clear expectations for how the printed output will appear.

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Color-Logic welcomes SHARP customers
This landing page will provide you with all the relevant information about Color-Logic, however, if you need help or assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our team.
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The resources, artworks and associated media supplied within this area, are the property of Color-Logic Inc. The printing of these files with the removal or cropping of the Color-Logic logos and/or branding, will be regarded as a violation of our copyright. You are permitted only to access, download and print the artworks contained herewith, for the sole purpose of demonstrating the Color-Logic system and to provide printed samples to your clients.

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